Qua.com sold for USD $459000 - Chinese company Qunar.com is the end user

You can check that qunar.com has a very good alexa traffic ranks which is 1479 in Global Rank and 181 in China.

Qunar means "where to go" in Chinese. And Qua means "To go" or " go (ah!) "which is more powerful 3 letter .com to make the brand strongly.

Qua.com is a sub-brand of Qunar.com targeting international market.

Qunar, founded in May 2005 and headquartered in Beijing, is the world’s most popular Chinese travel platform. According to iResearch in January 2013, its website has around 75 million monthly visits. Qunar’s mission is to create and maintain a fun and hassle-free one-stop travel information source for Chinese travelers.

The company organizes an enormous amount of travel information, providing instant and thorough searches of flights, hotels, travel packages, group-buying deals and other travel-related information via its website and mobile applications. With its intelligent and avant-garde technology, Qunar helps travelers find travel products of great value and travel information that best matches their needs.

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