sold for USD $150,000 on Flippa

By created on 1995-05-17 , it is a very old domain name.

More importantly, it is a english word (a frankfurter, especially one served hot in a long, soft roll and topped with various condiments) which is a very popular food in all countries including my city "Hong Kong".In other words, there are many end users in the world who want to own the domain to build a website and get more sales.

Do you like eating HotDog? Yes,I like it. Haha

Whois Record for

Registrant OrgCLEMENT PICQUET is associated with ~154 other domains
Registrar StatusclientDeleteProhibited, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited
DatesCreated on 1995-05-17 - Expires on 2017-05-18 - Updated on 2015-05-26
Name Server(s)NS1.WPDB.NET (has 697 domains)
NS2.WPDB.NET (has 697 domains)
IP Address207.66.182.34 - 231 other sites hosted on this server
IP LocationUnited States - Washington - Seattle - Wolfenet
ASNUnited States AS11608 ACTTG - Accretive Networks (registered Jun 21, 2001)
Domain StatusRegistered And Active Website
Whois History275 records have been archived since 2000-04-27
IP History18 changes on 7 unique IP addresses over 11 years
Registrar History3 registrars
Hosting History5 changes on 6 unique name servers over 12 years

Website Title - Request Information for
Server TypeApache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
Response Code200
SEO Score71%
Terms221 (Unique: 136, Linked: 41)
Images4 (Alt tags missing: 4)
Links32   (Internal: 24, Outbound: 5)

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